Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Old Sarum & Salisbury

22 October 2008

Distance: 61/4 miles
Parking: English Heritage Car Park Old Sarum
Map: Explorer 130 Salisbury and Stonehenge
Map ref for Car Park: SU141328

From the car park, take time to walk around the earthworks and enjoy the views out over the countryside and the city of Salisbury. There are an inner and an outer moat still retaining their impressive depth and sheer sides, and several information panels located around the site. An entrance fee is charged to wander the inner castle ruins.

To leave Old Sarum, pass back through the original gateway in the earthworks, along a short length of the lane leading up to the car park and through a gate on the right where the lane bends round. At the bottom of the path there is another to the right with a signpost to Stratford-sub-Castle. Follow the line alongside the hedge and pass through a metal gate beside a signpost pointing to Phillips Lane. Keep left beside the hedge and at the corner pass through the hedge and turn right along a path hedged on both sides.

The path ends at the bend of a road. Pass in front of a cottage and continue straight ahead. Soon cross the road and at the next bend in the road turn left on to a cycle path. After passing some small paddocks, go right on to common land and follow the path down and left alongside the River Avon. This path continues to and across a wooden bridge over the Avon. Turn left after the bridge.

The Walk continues all the way down beside the River into the city centre, occasionally crossing narrow roads en route. Pass under a very low bridge and then a brick railway bridge. There are some lovely town houses on the opposite bank, and lots of ducks and swans to be seen on the river.

At the car park keep straight ahead, despite a signpost pointing right to “city centre”. The pedestrian way continues ahead still alongside the river. Soon reach the shopping areas. Follow the way over the river at the far end and turn right into the centre of the city. Ahead, beond the traffic lights, is the small Bargate and beyond is the Cathedral Close.

There is a charge to visit the Cathedral. Around the Close are other places of interest to visit.
When your visit to the Close is finished, return back through the Bargate – be aware that the gates are closed and locked at 11.30 in the evening! Cross over the first road then turn right along Silver Street. This soon merges with another road. Continue uphill under a bridge and on uphill to a Y-junction. Cross here and follow the Clarendon Way along a footpath between buildings. At the end of the footpath turn left along the pavement, leaving the Clarendon Way at this point. Continue to the main road and cross over to Cow Lane.

Cow Lane can be muddy in its latter stages. Pass under two railway bridges at the far end of Cow Lane and arrive soon at a main road. To follow the route I took, turn left here and cross the road as soon as possible to St Mark’s Church. Go around the corner in front of the church and up St Marks Lane. Where this lane bends round to the right a gravel track passes up through an open park area. This is the multi-access track back to Old Sarum. Keep along this, past the reservoir on the right, and eventually come down to a lane. Turn left along here, keeping to the cycle lane, and continue down to the main road. Cross at the island to the right and head along the path into the playing fields, but soon turn right through the hedge and switch back through this field to the gate at the top. Ahead of you rises the mound of Old Sarum and the car park.

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